10 Animals with Ringed Tails (A to Z List with Pictures) – Fauna Facts (2024)

10 Animals with Ringed Tails (A to Z List with Pictures) – Fauna Facts (1)

Examples of animals with ringed tails include Cacomistles, EasternRaccoon, Mexican Raccoon, Red Panda, and Ring-Tailed Lemur.

Ringed tails are a common feature among many animal species. Interestingly, the purpose of this characteristic varies from group to group. Some animals use their ringed tails for defense, while others rely on them for balance or movement. In today’s article, we will take a closer look at some of the animals that possess this unique trait. We will also explore the reasons why they have it and what benefits it may offer them.

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Examples of Animals with Ringed Tails

1. Cacomistles

Scientific NameBassariscus sumichrasti
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeNorth America and Central America, from south-central Mexico to Panama

The cacomistle, also known as the ring-tailed cat, is a small carnivorous mammal native to North and Central America. The most distinguishing feature of this species is its long, ringed tail. Cacomistles use their tails for balance while climbing trees in search of prey. The rings on their tails also serve as camouflage, helping them blend in with their surroundings.

Cacomistles are small animals, usually weighing between 2 and 4 pounds. They have brown or gray fur, with white patches on their bellies and chests. Their tails are about 18 inches long, and their bodies are about 18 inches long from nose to tail. Cacomistles have sharp claws that help them climb trees and catch prey.

Cacomistles are nocturnal animals, meaning they are most active at night. During the day, they sleep in trees or dens. Cacomistles are solitary animals, meaning they live alone. They only come together to mate.

Cacomistles are carnivores, meaning they eat other animals. Their diet consists of small mammals, such as rodents and birds. They also eat insects, reptiles, and fruits.

2. EasternRaccoon

Scientific NameProcyon lotor
Type of AnimalMammal
Rangeall U.S. states and Canadian provinces to the north of South Carolina and Tennessee

The eastern raccoon is a small, nocturnal mammal that is found throughout much of North America. It is easily recognizable by its black mask and ringed tail. The tail is approximately one-third of the animal’s body length and is covered in black and white bands.

The function of the raccoon’s tail is not fully understood, but it is thought to help the animal with balance and movement. The eastern raccoon is an omnivorous creature and its diet consists of fruits, nuts, insects, small mammals, and birds.

The eastern raccoon is a solitary animal and typically only comes into contact with other members of its species during the breeding season. The animals will form temporary pairs during this time, but they do not remain together for long.

Females will give birth to litters of two to five young in the spring. The young are born blind and helpless, but they grow quickly and are weaned after two months. Eastern raccoons can live for up to 20 years in the wild, but their average lifespan is only four to five years.

3. Mexican Raccoon

Scientific NameCoatimundis
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeSouth America, Central America, Mexico, and the southwestern United States

The Mexican raccoon is small to a medium-sized mammal that is found in the southern parts of North America. This species is closely related to the common raccoon, and shares many of the same features, including the trademark ringed tail. The Mexican raccoon is often considered to be a nuisance animal due to its habit of raiding trash cans and sheds in search of food.

The Mexican raccoon is a nocturnal creature that typically sleeps during the day in dens made from hollow logs or trees. At night, these animals will emerge to forage for food. Their diet consists primarily of fruit, nuts, and small animals such as rodents and birds. Mexican raccoons are known to be excellent swimmers and climbers, and they are often seen near bodies of water.

These animals are also proficient at using their dexterous paws to open doors and latches. Mexican raccoons typically mate in the wintertime, and litters of up to seven young are born in the spring. The young raccoons will stay with their mother for several months before striking out on their own.

4. North American Raccoon

Scientific NameProcyon lotor
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeNorth America

The North American raccoon is a common sight in many suburban and rural areas. These nocturnal animals are easily recognizable by their black masks and ringed tails. The rings on their tails are thought to help them balance while they climb trees in search of food.

Raccoons are omnivorous creatures, meaning they will eat just about anything. Their diet consists of small mammals, birds, eggs, insects, fruits, and vegetables. In urban areas, raccoons often rummage through garbage cans in search of food. This can be a nuisance for homeowners who find their trash strewn about the yard the morning after a raccoon visit.

Raccoons are curious animals and will often investigate anything that catches their attention. This can lead to problems if they decide to enter a home through an open window or door in search of food. Once inside, they can be very destructive, tearing up insulation, wallpaper, and personal belongings in their search.

5. Red Panda

Scientific NameAilurus fulgens
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeChina, Nepal, and Bhutan

The red panda is a small mammal that is native to the Himalayan region. These animals are easily recognizable by their reddish-brown fur and their long, ringed tails. Red pandas are excellent climbers and often spend their time in trees. These animals use their tail for balance while they are moving about in the branches.

Red pandas are mostly solitary animals, but they will sometimes form small groups. These animals are shy and reclusive by nature, and they are not often seen by humans. The red panda has a diet that consists mainly of bamboo leaves.

These animals also eat fruit, berries, and other plant matter. Red pandas are hunted by humans for their fur, and their habitat is being destroyed by deforestation. As a result of these threats, the red panda is classified as an endangered species.

6. Ringtail Cats

Scientific NameBassariscus astutus
Type of AnimalMammal
RangeNorth and South America

The ringtail cat, also known as the “miner’s cat”, is a nocturnal mammal found in North and South America. Although it is not a true cat, its appearance and habits are similar to those of its feline cousins. Ringtail cats are small animals, typically weighing between 2 and 4 pounds. They have long, slender bodies with long tails that are ringed with black and white bands.

Ringtail cats are excellent climbers and often take refuge in trees when they are threatened. Their tails help them to maintain balance while they are moving about in the branches. Ringtail cats use their tails as a form of communication, waving them back and forth when they are angry or excited.

7. Ring-Tailed Lemur

Scientific NameLemur catta
Type of AnimalMammal
Rangesouthwestern Madagascar

The ring-tailed lemur is a native of Madagascar and is one of the most recognizable animals on the island. These lemurs are known for their long, black-and-white striped tails. The ringed pattern is thought to help these animals communicate with each other. When two ring-tailed lemurs meet, they will often greet each other by holding their tails up in the air and circling around each other.

These lemurs are also very vocal animals. They communicate with each other using a variety of sounds, including barks, chirps, and screams. The ring-tailed lemur is the most vocal of all the lemur species.

Ring-tailed lemurs are social animals and live in groups of up to 30 individuals. These groups are known as troops. Within a troop, there is a strict hierarchy. The highest-ranking male is the leader of the group and he makes all of the decisions. The females are subordinate to the males.

Ring-tailed lemurs are omnivorous animals and their diet consists of fruits, leaves, flowers, and insects. These lemurs are also known to eat small vertebrates, such as lizards and snakes.

The ring-tailed lemur is an endangered species. The main threat to these animals is habitat loss. The deforestation of Madagascar’s rainforests has led to a decrease in the amount of suitable habitat for these lemurs. Additionally, the illegal pet trade has also contributed to the decline of this species.

Read Also: Do Ring-Tailed Lemur Has Long Tail?

8. Ring-Tailed Vontsira

Scientific NameGalidia elegans
Type of AnimalMammal

The ring-tailed vontsira is a small, nocturnal mammal native to Madagascar. This animal is closely related to the mongoose and shares many of its physical characteristics. One of these similarities is the presence of a ringed tail. The vontsira uses its tail for balance as it moves through the trees.

This appendage is also used as a communication tool. When the vontsira is threatened, it will arch its back and raise its tail in the air. This behavior is known as “flagging” and serves to warn other members of the species of potential danger.

9. South American Coati

Scientific NameNasua nasua
Type of AnimalMammal
Rangetropical and subtropical South America

The South American coati, also known as the ring-tailed coati, is a member of the raccoon family. These animals are native to the forests of South America and can be found from Panama to northern Argentina. The most distinguishing feature of the South American coati is its long, ringed tail. This tail is used for balance while the animal is climbing trees. The coati also uses its tail as a blanket when it sleeps in the trees.

10. ValleyRaccoon

Scientific NameProcyon lotor hirtus
Type of AnimalMammal
Rangeall U.S. states and Canadian provinces to the north of Louisiana, Texas and New Mexico

The valley raccoon is a nocturnal creature that is native to North America. This animal has a black mask around its eyes and a ringed tail. The average length of the valley raccoon’s body is about 24 inches, with its tail making up an additional 12 inches.

The primary purpose of the valley raccoon’s ringed tail is balance. When climbing trees, this animal often wraps its tail around branches to provide stability. The ringed tail also helps the valley raccoon to swim; when in the water, the animal uses its tail as a rudder.


Raccoons, ring-tailed lemurs, and red pandas are all animals that use their tails for balance while they are moving about in trees. The rings on the tails of raccoons and ring-tailed lemurs serve as camouflage, helping them to blend in with their surroundings. The function of the red panda’s tail is not as well known, but it is thought to help the animal with balance and heat regulation.

10 Animals with Ringed Tails (A to Z List with Pictures) – Fauna Facts (2)


Hi, I’m Garreth. Living in South Africa I’ve had the pleasure of seeing most of these animals up close and personal. When I was younger I always wanted to be a game ranger but unfortunately, life happens and now at least I get to write about them and tell you my experiences.

10 Animals with Ringed Tails (A to Z List with Pictures) – Fauna Facts (2024)


What animal has a ringed tail? ›

Raccoon: A heavy-bodied animal of about 10 to 30 pounds (4.5-13.5 kg) with a black face mask edged in white and a bushy, ringed tail. The hind foot is plantigrade (that is, the sole is walked on, as with humans).

What other animals have a tail like a raccoon? ›

The Ringtail is a cat-sized carnivore resembling a small fox with a long raccoonlike tail. Its bushy tail is flattened and nearly as long as the head and body, with alternating black and white rings.

How many animals are in the F letter? ›

678 species. We collected more than 570 animals beginning with the letter F. You could expect to find a Fox in this list, but it is not here because we use species names rather than a group or common names.

What small monkey has a ringed tail? ›

The ring tailed lemur is used as a symbol for Madagascar and for endangered animals on the island, because it's so well-known. The ring tailed lemur is known as 'maky' in Malagasy, the language spoken on Madagascar. The ring tailed lemur's Latin name is 'catta' because of its cat-like looks.

Do racoons have ringed tails? ›

Raccoons are easily identified by their characteristic black eye mask and ringed tail. Even at birth the rings on their tails are slightly visible. In the animal kingdom, fur patterns and colouration have evolved over time usually as a benefit to the particular animal.

What is the name ? ›

sloth! In the Christian tradition, sloth is considered one of the seven deadly sins. Sloth became the name for the animal by the 1600s.

Do cats have ringed tails? ›

The American Ringtail is also known as the Ringtail Sing-a-Ling. They are a relatively new cat breed. The primary distinction between these cats and others is their curling tails that form a ring towards their back.

What is the Mexican animal with a striped tail? ›

coati, (genus Nasua), any of three species of omnivore related to raccoons (family Procyonidae). Coatis are found in wooded regions from the southwestern United States through South America. The coati has a long, flexible snout and a slender, darkly banded tail that it often carries erect as it moves about.

What animal has a tail like a rat? ›

The Muskrat got its moniker for having both a rat like tail and a strong, musky scent.

What animal has 42 letters in its name? ›

42 letters

Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides Brunetti 1923 - family Stratiomyidae. The Southeast Asian soldier fly, native to Thailand, has the longest valid scientific name for any animal, and any macroscopic organism.

What animals have 7 letter word? ›

What are some animal names that have 7 letters? - Quora. gorilla, peaco*ck, burmese, meerkat, hamster, lobster, leopard, maltese, octopus, lemming, raccoon, penguin, pelican, shihtzu, barn owl, starfish - that's all for now.

What mammal has a bushy ringed tail? ›

The ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) is a mammal of the raccoon family native to arid regions of North America. It is widely distributed and well adapted to disturbed areas. It has been legally trapped for its fur.

What animal has a twisted tail? ›

Leiocephalidae, also known as the curlytail lizards or curly-tailed lizards, is a family of iguanian lizards restricted to the West Indies. One of the defining features of these lizards is that their tail often curls over.

What kind of cat has a ringed tail? ›

The American Ringtail is a unique cat breed that is still relatively new. They are considered experimental by most cat associations and have only gained recognition by one organization (TICA) thus far. Their ringed tails set them apart, but their coat colors and patterns resemble other felines.

What is a ring tailed mammal like a raccoon? ›

The coati is closely related to the raccoon. And like its cousin, this mammal is the size of a large house cat, has a ringed tail, and hangs out in trees.

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