State of Oregon vs John Charles Weber, Jr, 22CR04341, Letter (Or. St., Jackson Co., Circuit Ct. May. 9, 2022) (2024)

`MAY 09 2022
`éggfiggg14,21CN0222221 CN0256621CR06362
`21 CR0847621 CR1 2528,21 CR12979,21CR23205
`Request #177532112
`Profile Photo:
`Inmate Into
`Submitted Date: 05/08/22 15 as
`Submitted from Location/Room: 104.118,.l104
`Current Location/Room: 104,118,,[104
`Facllity: Jackson County OR Jail
`A dit Photo:
`F°"" '"'°
`Category: General
`Form: Inmate Request Form
`Request Info
`Status: OPEN
`Facility Deadline: 05/22/22 23 59 (14d)
`Summary of Request:
`Judge Barnack - Steven Gamer# 1
`Details of Request:
`What is your 80 Number?:
`What ls your CELL?:
`Please describe your request:
`' Mr. Garner, thank you for your response.
`Please print my emails and allow Judge Barnack time to reView.
`. My inqmry is regarding my motion that I am reqmred to file with the court. I must have reasonable access and the ablllty to be heard regardlng motions
`relevant to my case.
`I am asking for 30 minutes to be heard and that I be provided wrth official court reporting services. The judge isn't important, but I find judge Bameck,
`Mejia and Cromwell to be fair. There are two bald judges wrth glasses. The one that' is thin is tine also, I believe his name is. he was very fair With me
`regarding not waivmg my 60.
`The more heavyset iudge need not hear my case. He is recused for impartiality due to him increasing my bond on January 27th because he assumed I
`have access to suffictent resources to afford a multimillion dollar bond. I apologize I do not know his name
`Dear Judge Bamack,
`Please allow me time to be heard I am NOT gunty of most of the states charges which I fined to be Vindictive and mere conjecture With? no logical
`l have a Bachelors in Healthcare Management. | used to be a Heath director as a state licensed long-term care and mental health administrator, at the
`executive level. I was a Regional Director of Operations for the mental health and continuous care communities for the second largest home care
`company in the country, St. Marys.
`i did very well In healthcare. but changed careers for several reasons.
`05I08l22 15:33
`' usEfi
`, 1
`Submitted New
`Judge Barnack - Steven Garner 3'! 1


`MAY 09 2022
`Request #177532202
`Profile Photo:
`Egdlt Photo: _
`Audit Photo
`Submitted Date: 05/08/22 15 34
`Submitted from Location/Room: 104.118.1104
`Current Location/Room: 104,1 18,,1104
`Facility: Jackson County OR Jail
`Form Into
`Category: General
`Form: Inmate Request Form
`Request Info
`Stas: OPEN
`Facility Deadline: 05/22/22 23'59 (14d)
`Summary of Request:
`Judge Barnack - Steven Garner # 2
`Detalls of Request:
`What ts your SO Number?:
`What ls your CELL7:
`Please describe your request" '
`in synopsts. i didn't agree wuth the general ethos of the modern health Industnal complex being that of dlsease maintenance and symptoms
`management. i had evolved my philosophy over the years to be that of a more person centered holistic approach. i went back to graduate school tor
`non profit administration and entrepreneurial studies. l started two nonprofits. One ior veterans (i am a veteran of the Navy) called Veterans Helped
`Veterans And Spirit Neice for the Natives at Standing Flock. VHV food program is still in eXIstence today nearly 8 years after i created it Spirit Votce
`still makes posstive impacts as well. i started Spirit Votce tor sitting bulls 5th generation grandson i Sit on the board of lon WorldWIde and can create
`501c 3 fiscal sponsorships for philanthropies in alignment with our mission ViSion and values. From my budding in Talent where my apothecary is
`opening, i am starting The Centers for BioEnergetic and Transformational Healing. This is in response to my recent bout With alcohol and the need for
`more healing in the community.
`i became involve With hemp about a 8 years ago and hemp became my bridge to OR through several colleagues and their constituents already in 0R
`leading the way in our respective industry l attended a hemp event in NC With the veterans i was helping through my Nonprofit. I found out about hemp
`and it became my one of my passmns and purpose in life.
`05/08/22 1 5:34
`____ _..._.._.._
`Submitted New
`_.s.'_ ..
`Judge Barnack - Steven ng—Ier # 2


`MAY 8" 262"
`Request #177532182
`Profile Photo:
`inmate lnlo
`Submitted Date: 05/08/22 15.34
`Submitted from Location/Room: 104.118.1104
`Current Location/Room: 104.1 18../1c4
`Facility: Jackson County OR Jall
`Audit Photo
`Form Info
`Category: General
`Form~ inmate Request Form
`Request info
`Status: OPEN
`Facility Deadline: 05/22/22 2359 (14d)
`Summary of Request:
`Judge Barnack- Steven Garner # 3
`Details of Request:
`What IS your so Number):
`What is your CELL?:
`Please describe your request...
`lwasn't running to Galilomia. [get help for alcohol and was hiring a lawyer and coming back to fix the cowd induced depressron drunk mess.
`i am a protessmnai. l have a headquarters. storefront and distribution center in Talent With a 5 year term and 2 properties where i grow legal industrial
`hemp. i take the best flower and send it to a lab i helped create in Eugene. l extract, test for efficacy, package and ship out to the stores where my 40
`products are located. I came here in a suit and tie. A lot happened that took me off track, but mainly covrd and the low quality dirt bags fl kept
`encountering and some female issues i started in OR as a speaker at conferences in Portland about about 7 years ago With my company.
`A friend of mine, Rod Klght, a licensed attorney in OR and NC - was a maior bridge for me coming here. He formed my company Complete Nurture (i
`own). My company makes positive social impacts and brings around 40k per month into the OR economy. Rod is ranked as one of the'fop 30 litigators
`in the country and in US News as a super lawyer A friend/colleague for nearly a decade i work with hemp for the sustainable and medxcinal purposes.
`its the most sustainable crop known to humans with over 40k uses. its the most medicinal due to the endocannabinoid system controlling all cell
`functioning in the entire human body. Very important system. Only 6 medical schools study it. i am In OR because 0R leads the hemp industry. I love
`the area so I set roots.

`05/08/22 15:34
`Submitted New
`Judge Bamack - Steven Gamer # 3

`.:;t '3'


`Request #177532232
`Protlle Photo:
`Audit Ebola:
`Audit Photo
`_ _____
`Inmate Into
`Submitted Date: 05/08/22 1534
`Submitted tram Location/Room: 104.118../104
`Current Location/Room: 104,118,,l104
`Facility: Jackson County OR Jail
`Form info
`Category: General
`Form: lnmate Request Form
`Request Info
`Status: OPEN
`Facility Deadline: 05/22/22 2359 (14d)
`Summary of Request:
`Judge Barnack - Steven Garner # 4
`Details of Request:
`What is your SO Numbefl:
`What Is your CELL?:
`Please describe your request.:
`I need to be released Judge Barnack. l have not said much because lwanted to mitigate the DUls. Two judges already referenced giVirig me time
`served for those. None are person related and all happened in same span of crazy time and the state already oftered 180 days for NOT: going to trial
`and I agreed to pay the max fine of 6.250 per. Now that I've done my 180 days. i am working on getting out using the constitutional Violation that has
`clearly occurred. Judges up north have been dismissmg cases due to the cnsts through writ of Habeas . This is why I must be heard regarding my
`motion. l must be released. i am being detained unlawfully, but its only unlawful if an appropriate judicial offICIal knows of it. Not havmg an aftomey for
`100+ days being incarcerated due to states CTISIS, Is not my fault. When a constructive denial of counsel occurs from the governemnt, such as the
`funding cri5is, relief must be granted. I want my DV cases dismissed
`ConSIder the facts also-
`No real harm ever occurred Victim has asked state to drop charges and no contact for over a year. They refuse. She has asked for my release several
`times. She wants therapy. They refuse...
`Second--degree assault and most other charges erroneous and the discovery proves itl
`She has NO injuries in the first second-degree assault case on 2110/21. Prosecutor shouldn't have even charged me with 4th degree assault or any of
`the other charges. it was all hearsay and police pictures show absolutely zero injuries
`05/08/22 15.34

`Submitted New
`1 ,
`Judge Barnnck - Steven Garner # 4


`MAY 09 2022
`Request #177532442
`Profile Photo:
`Inmate Into
`Submitted Date: 05/08/22 15 35
`Submitted from Location/Room: 104.118.1104
`Current LocationIRoom: 104,118,,[104
`Facility: Jackson County OR Jail
`Audit Photo:
`Form Into
`Category: General
`Form: inmate Request Form
`Request info
`Status: OPEN
`Facility Deadline: 05/22/22 23 59 (14d)
`Summaryof Request:
`Judge Barnack - Steven Garner # 5
`Details of Request:
`What is your 80 Number?:
`1 43072
`What is your CELL?:
`*0 >100 39:00 to_u_._o>l
`Please describe your request.:
`Always drunk mutually aggresswe olfensrve physwal contact. Never any real harm. No serious physical injuries. No injuries With a weapon. Not even
`deminimis. l'd argue any resultant contact caused pain that was ample constderable or more then fleeting.
`The second-degree assault from 6/18/21- The alleged injury from me was a small cut on Inside of bottom lip and something that looks like a simple on
`the back of her head. She said in a call from jail in February that she cut her wrists. The discovery never mentions her saying l out her Wrists. There are
`pictures of her wrists though. That's psycho sh*t. I would NEVER hurt anyone as Is suggestive of my history. We never had a felony in my life. I've never
`ever had any person crimes. No restraining orders. Never even been in a fight My nature is laid back. Whatever happened With my girl'was all alcohol
`related. She just got out of 60 days of inpatient rehab (2/23/22) if that says anything
`This is all from us being drunk and her talking a bunch of drunk sh*t We have never even been in an argument sober. l'm not upset With her or the
`system. I understand the process.
`lts helped me because I feel like myself again and i am ready to go on being the best version of me again.
`Last clarification was - you said you'd move me on on may 23rd it no last is appomted. Does that mean release me"
`l'd like to be heard on my motion and l'd like a solid response regarding being released so I can handle these Issues aaccor
`05/08/22 15'35
`Aénou ' ; gags,
`Euhmmed New
`Judge Bamack - Steven Garner # 5


`MAY "9 2""
`Request #177532272
`Audit Photo:
`Audit Photo
`Submitted Date: 05/08/22 15 37
`Submitted from Location/Room: 104.118.,l104
`Current Locatioanoom: 104,1 18,1104
`Facility: Jackson County OR Jail
`Form Into
`Category: General
`Form: Inmate Request Form
`Bequest Into
`Status: OPEN
`Faculty Deadline: 05/22/22 28 59 (mt)
`Summary of Request:
`Judge Barnaok - Steven Garner it 6
`Details 01 Request:
`What Is your so Number'l:
`What Is your CELL?:
`Please describe your request:
`Thank for your assaistance Mr. Garner.
`Judge Barnack, please hear my motion and grant me relief. Not having an attorney for over 100+ days .. Prejudiced is presumed. I will absolutely never
`.go through anything like this again. I've never been in jail. This shock me up. in a good way. I've learned a lot. My word means everything to me. Its all
`we really have: In the beginning the word was With God and God was the word. Anagrams... Words and sword. Words cutout lite into eXIstence. I never
`said I would show up to court during my 22 FTAs Intact. [called into the court one time during the entire year and half 01 drunk dumbnesses and said I'd
`not show up at all. My stance has absolutely changed as I'm sober 10 months and have immense respect for your system ol justice. My word is very
`important to me.
`I got off track some With covid. I think we all did. hence the crime epidemic. Society needs love I lntend on
`I am a business owner and a philanthropist
`, usmg this experience to be the best verswn of me and continUing to help others.
`I would like to be heard regarding my motion and I want clarification it you Will release me on the 23rd?
`You said move me on. The inference was release, but l'd like to know exactly.
`What is a gross dewation from the standard of care a reasonably drunk person would observe?
`Thought l'd leave you wlth some comedy.
`Please help me. Hear my motion please. My heart has only ever had good intentions.
`Thank you your Honor.
`05108222 15:37
`éubmhléti New
`Judée Barnack - Slevefi ééréer # 6

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State of Oregon vs John Charles Weber, Jr, 22CR04341, Letter (Or. St., Jackson Co., Circuit Ct. May. 9, 2022) (2024)


Which Court of Appeals circuit is the state of Oregon located in? ›

It has offices in and hears appeals from lower federal courts in states belonging to the “Ninth Circuit” including Alaska, Arizona, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Northern Marianas Islands, Oregon, and Washington.

Can you watch Oregon court cases online? ›

Visit our Live Stream Proceedings page for a live stream of a court proceeding remotely.

What cases go to circuit court in Oregon? ›

Some of these include civil, domestic relations, criminal, traffic, juvenile, violations, small claims, abuse prevention act, adoption, probate, mental commitments, and guardianship cases. These courts are also “courts of record,” which means that every word spoken in the course of a trial is recorded.

Why is the 9th circuit court so important? ›

In 1979, the Ninth Circuit became the first federal judicial circuit to set up a Bankruptcy Appellate Panel as authorized by the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978. The cultural and political jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit is just as varied as the land within its geographical borders.

Is legit? ›

This website offers general information to assist the public with accessing Oregon public records where possible. Oregon court records may also provide access to some criminal and court records sourced from numerous counties across Oregon, operating as a private entity independent of any state government agency.

Are criminal records public in Oregon? ›

According to the Oregon Public Records Law, criminal records in the state are considered public information. The law allows all Oregon residents to request for and obtain criminal records for all persons in the state, from the state authorities that issue and maintain these records.

Can the public attend court hearings in Oregon? ›

If a hearing is eligible for public viewing, members of the public may attend in-person or live stream through WebEx Events (the software Oregon's state courts use for this purpose). To review what is available for live stream, please see our Court Calendar and Live Stream Proceedings page for our current schedule.

Is Oregon in the 9th circuit? ›

In 1866, after the Civil War, Congress again reorganized the circuits and put California, Oregon, and Nevada (which had become a state in 1864) in a new Ninth Circuit.

What appellate district is Oregon in? ›

Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

What states are in the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals? ›

The United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit serves the areas of Illinois, Indiana and Wisconsin. For directions to the courthouse in Chicago, please see the Court Location.

What states are covered by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals? ›

This court provides appellate review of cases tried in the United States District Courts within the geographic area of its jurisdiction, which includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands.

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.